It is most important that you accept your client's appointment as soon as possible. This allows the client to feel conformable that they have a session coming up in the near future

We very rarely recommend you reject the appointment, maintaining your calendar reflecting the exact availability eliminates a client from booking in at a time that is not suitable. However, we do understand there can be emergencies, this is inevitable. When rejecting the appointment is it most important you put your explanation in the reason in the field provided. 

This will message returns back to the client explaining why the appointment was rejected. EG: Hi John, Sorry I was unable to provide you with this appointment something has just come up, can you please rebook to the same time tomorrow or perhaps this Friday at any time? 

Getting into the habit of providing an explanation means our client will more than likely rebook with you again on an alternative day or time. 

Need more information? Get in touch by leaving a short message for our team on the Mental Health Practitioner Page. Visit  or call 1300 112 115 for more.